Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Wizard of Oz Wind

This morning Ward and I heard this storm come in like a freight train. One minute it was quiet, then the next the sound got louder and louder until it was howling. The first thing we did was get up and let the dogs inside. The area where they sleep on the porch was in the direct wind, and within minutes the rain came soaking them. Then we returned to bed and wondered what could possibly get blown away by the wind? The tractor port has tar paper but no shingles, so ward was worried about it. The goat shed isn't anchored down, and also he mentioned the chicken coop. Strangely enough I said "that chicken coop is too heavy to blow over". Eat my words this morning when the thing was toppled and leaning against the fence. All 21 chickens have survived, even though they ran to the door to tell us of the coop's demise and ask where they would sleep? We made them a temporary shelter and ward brought the tractor around to right the coop. It's didn't fare too well. Quite a bummer since Ward put so much hard work into it. At least it will provide better shelter for the hens and a place for their eggs. Once it was righted....a hen was in the egg box laying on the plywood. I put some pine chips in for them. I hope they're not too tramatized!

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