Friday, December 31, 2010

Electric fencing....the mystery of it all

We setup a temporary electric fencing in the large pasture to rotate the goats on a few days ago. We've lead them out several days in a row now, but inevitably 4-5 of them scoot right under the fence and are free ranging. The entire property is fenced with barbed wire, so I'm not concerned about them making it to the highway. Is the fence working you ask? Well, let's ask our black lab Diamond (Dumband) who stuck her head through it and ran off yelping. Yes, it works. Thanks Diamond for testing it. The neighbors were walking and stopped by last night. I told them my tales of fencing woes. They laughed.

This morning when we opened the coop, a hen ran as fast as she could out of the yard until she was out of sight. Wierd. When we walked around the back of the garage, ward said she was behind some plywood stacked there. I looked and found 4 eggs. SNEAKY HEN! Trying to keep eggs for herself. That is the problem with free ranging hens.

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